
Whether you’re 18 or 80, learn how to earn an accredited college degree for <$10k!

This site comprises everything I’ve learned as I journey toward this goal.  I’ll share what I’ve learned, the resources I’ve used, and how it all comes together.

Who is this blog for?

This blog will be helpful to anyone who is interested in saving tens of thousands of dollars on college credit. Whether you’re the parent of a high school student, a current college student, or an adult looking to finish your degree, I know you’ll be able to find a lot of value in this blog. To get all of my latest posts and content, sign up for the newsletter here.

How is this possible?

Getting a degree for less than $10k is very possible, but it requires a lot of work. It comes down to using a combination of AP and CLEP exams, community college classes, and online courses – eventually transferring all of that credit to your college of choice. This could be your state university, a private college, or even an online college. To learn more about the overall process, check this post out. 

If you have any questions about this, I’d love to help you out as a fellow adventurer.  My email is bachelorsby18@gmail.com.

Well, thanks for checking out my site and I hope it helps you along!
